Friday, March 30, 2012

All 3 World Wars Predicted In 1871 By Albert Pike

For those unaware of Albert Pike. This minion wrote these predictions in 1871, which have all come true! Except the looming third world war which is laid out here as well.

An American General named, Albert Pike, who had been enticed into the, “Illuminati,” by Guiseppe Mazzini, completes his military blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world, culminating into moving this great conspiracy into its final stage. These details are as follows:

1. The First World War is to be fought for the purpose of destroying the Tsar in Russia, as promised by Nathan Mayer Rothschild in 1815. The Tsar is to be replaced with communism which is to be used to attack religions, predominantly Islam & Christianity. The differences between the British and German empires are to be used to foment this war.

2. The Second World War is to be used to foment the controversy between fascism and political Zionism with the oppression of Jews in Germany a lynchpin in bringing hatred against the German people. This is designed to destroy fascism (which the Rothschilds’ created) and increase the power of political Zionism. This war is also designed to increase the power of communism to the level that it equalled that of united Christendom.

3. The Third World War is to be played out by stirring up hatred of the Muslim world for the purposes of playing the Islamic world and the political Zionists off against one another. Whilst this is going on, the remaining nations would be forced to fight themselves into a state of mental, physical, spiritual and economic exhaustion.

On August 15th of this year, Albert Pike writes a letter (now catalogued in the British Museum) to Guiseppe Mazzini in which he states the following,

“We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view.

A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

Pike, who had been elected as Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry’s Southern Jurisdiction in 1859, was the most powerful Freemason in America. He would retain that post for thirty-two years until his death in 1891. He also published a book on the subject in 1872 entitled, “Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,” in which he candidly states the following,

“The true name of Satan, the Kabbalists say, is that of Yahweh reversed; for Satan is not a black god, but the negation of God. For the Initiates, this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty and Free Will…

LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!”

Interestingly, in the same book, Pike emphasizes that Freemasonry is a religion based on the occult Jewish philosophy found in the Kabbalah.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

AIDS is Man-Made

"The most toxic drug that has ever been licensed for long term consumption in the free world.... AZT is a prescription drug and according to the manufacturer itself it causes symptoms that are indistinguishable from AIDS. So I would say it is not arrogant for me to say that AZT is AIDS by prescription."
~ Dr Peter Duesberg
Note: William Cooper the author was killed on November 5th 2001 by law enforcement.
To All,
During my talks in Las Vegas last weekend I revealed a few things about aids that I have been keeping close to my chest. I have already revealed that I saw that AIDS was man made to eliminate the undesirable elements of society while I was attached to Naval Security and Intelligence. I stated this fact in my paper “The Secret Government.” Now for the rest of the story.
The first study was made in 1957 by scientists meeting in Huntsville Alabama. That study resulted in “Alternative 3.” Another study was made by the Club of Rome in 1968 to determine the limits to growth. The result of the study was that civilization as we know it would collapse shortly after the year 2000 unless the population was seriously curtailed. Several Top Secret recommendations were made to the ruling elite by Dr. Aurelio Peccei of the Club of Rome.
The chief recommendation was to develop a microbe which would attack the auto immune system and thus render the development of a vaccine impossible. The orders were given to develop the microbe and to also develop a cure and a prophylactic. The microbe would be used against the general population and would be introduced by vaccine administered by the World Health Organization. The prophylactic was to be used by the ruling elite. The cure will be administered to the survivors when they decide that enough people have died. It will be announced as newly developed. This plan was called Global 2000.
The cure and the prophylactic are suppressed. Funding was obtained from the U.S. Congress under H.B. 15090 where $10 million was given to the Department of Defense to produce,
a synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired.”
“Within the next 5 to 10 years it would probably be possible to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.”
The project was carried out at Fort Detrick Maryland. Since large populations were to be decimated the ruling elite decided to target the “undesirable elements of society” for extermination. Specifically targeted were the black, hispanic, and homosexual populations. The name of the project that developed AIDS is MKNAOMI. The African continent was infected via smallpox vaccine in 1977.
The U.S. population was infected in 1978 with the hepatitis B vaccine through the Centers for Disease Control and the New York Blood Center. You now have the entire story. The order was given by the POLICY COMMITTEE of THE BILDERBERG GROUP based in Switzerland. Other measures were also ordered. The one you will be able to check the easiest is the Haig - Kissinger Depopulation Policy which is administered by the State Department.
When you put this information out do not edit it and please give me and this board full credit as the source of the information. Please post the board phone number with this file. That is how I stay alive. This board is THE CITIZENS AGENCY FOR JOINT INTELLIGENCE, SYSOP - WILLIAM COOPER, (602) 567-6725
To aid you in your research of this CRIME the name of the report was “THE LIMITS TO GROWTH” A REPORT FOR THE CLUB OF ROME’S PROJECT ON THE PREDICAMENT OF MANKIND. In April 1968 the study began in the Accademia dei Lincei in Rome Italy. They met at the instigation of Dr. Aurelio Peccei. The Top Secret recommendations of the results of the study were made by Dr. Aurelio Peccei who pledged not to use the prophylactic and not to take the cure should the microbe be developed and should he contract the disease.
Dr. Peccei was hailed as a great hero for deciding to take the same risk as the general population. The public results of the study were published in 1972. The MIT project team that participated in the study are listed below:
Dr. Dennis L. Meadows, director, United States
Dr. Alison A. Anderson, United States (pollution)
Dr. Jay M. Anderson, United States (pollution)
Ilyas Bayar, Turkey (agriculture)
William W. Behrens III, United States (resources)
Farhad Hakimzadeh, Iran (population)
Dr. Steffen Harbordt, Germany (socio-political trends)
Judith A Machen, United States (administration)
Dr. Donella H. Meadows, United States (population)
Peter Milling, Germany (capital)
Nirmala S. Murthy, India (population)
Roger F. Naill, United States (resources)
Jorgen Randers, Norway (population)
Stephen Shantzis, United States (agriculture)
John A. Seeger, United States (administration)
Marilyn Williams, United States (documentation)
Dr. Erich K. O. Zahn, Germany (agriculture)
When the study was completed in 1969 U.N. Secretary General U Thant made this statement:
“I do not wish to seem overdramatic, but I can only conclude from the information that is available to me as Secretary-General, that the Members of the United Nations have perhaps ten years left in which to subordinate their ancient quarrels and launch a global partnership to curb the arms race, to defuse the population explosion, and to supply the required momentum to development efforts.
If such a global partnership is not forged within the next decade, then I very much fear
that the problems I have mentioned will have reached such staggering proportions that they will be beyond our capacity to control.”
U Thant, 1969
MKNAOMI was developed by the Special Operations Division (SOD) scientists at Ft. Detrick, Maryland under the supervision of the CIA and for the CIA. A reference to the project MKNAOMI can be found in Fain, Tyrus G., and Katharine C. Plant. "The Intelligence Community: History, Organization, and Issues." New York: R. R. Bowker, 1977.
I swear that all of the above information is true and correct to the best of my memory and knowledge. I give this information to the people of the world in hopes that someone will have the courage and resources to help me end this madness. The illuminati (the order) are in complete control of most of the world and they have declared war against the general populations of all nations. We must stop them at all costs.
Please help me for I cannot do it alone. Please send this file without editing to everyone that you know and ask them to do the same.
God bless you all.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Georgia Guidestones

On one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the American Stonehenge. Though relatively unknown to most people, it is an important link to the Illuminati that dominates the world in which we live.
The origin of that strange monument is shrouded in mystery because no one knows the true identity of the man, or men, who commissioned its construction. All that is known for certain is that in June 1979, a well-dressed, articulate stranger visited the office of the Elberton Granite Finishing Company and announced that he wanted to build an edifice to transmit a message to mankind. He identified himself as R. C. Christian, but it soon became apparent that was not his real name. He said that he represented a group of men who wanted to offer direction to humanity, but to date, almost two decades later, no one knows who R. C. Christian really was, or the names of those he represented. Several things are apparent. The messages engraved on the Georgia Guidestones deal with four major fields: (1) Governance and the establishment of a world government, (2) Population and reproduction control, (3) The environment and man's relationship to nature, and (4) Spirituality.


1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.

3. Unite humanity with a living new language.

4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.

5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

8. Balance personal rights with social duties.

9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.

10.Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.

Limiting the population of the earth to 500 million will require the extermination of nine-tenths of the world's people. The American Stonehenge's reference to establishing a world court foreshadows the current move to create an International Criminal Court and a world government (New World Order). The Guidestones' emphasis on preserving nature anticipates the environmental movement of the 1990s, and the reference to "seeking harmony with the infinite" reflects the current effort to replace religious beliefs with a new spirituality.

The message of the American Stonehenge also foreshadowed the current drive for Sustainable Development. Any time you hear the phrase "Sustainable Development" used, you should substitute the term "socialism" to be able to understand what is intended. The similarity between the ideas engraved on the Georgia Guidestones and those espoused in the Earth Charter which was compiled under the direction of Mikhail Gorbachev and Maurice Strong, reflect the common origins of both.

Yoko Ono, the widow of John Lennon, was recently quoted as referring to the American Stonehenge, saying:

"I want people to know about the stones ... We're headed toward a world where we might blow ourselves up and maybe the globe will not exist ... it's a nice time to reaffirm ourselves, knowing all the beautiful things that are in this country and the Georgia Stones symbolize that. " (1)

What is the true significance of the American Stonehenge, and why is its covert message important? Because it confirms the fact that there was a covert group intent on

(1) Dramatically reducing the population of the world.

(2) Promoting environmentalism.

(3) Establishing a world government or the New World Order.

(4) Promoting a new spirituality aka Satanism.

Certainly the group that commissioned the Georgia Guidestones is one of many similar groups working together toward a New World Order, a new world economic system, and a new world spirituality. Behind those groups, however, are dark spiritual forces. Without understanding the nature of those dark forces it is impossible to understand the unfolding of world events.

The fact that most Americans have never heard of the Georgia Guidestones or their message to humanity reflects the degree of control that exists today over what the American people think.

The hole in the stone was drilled in the Center Stone so that the North Star could be visualized through it at any moment. This was one of several requirements stipulated by R.C.Christian for the building of the American Stonehenge and reflects his obsession with the alignment of the stars, the sun, and the moon. Satanists often worship the alignment and movement of heavenly bodies as part of their religious ceremonies.

Monday, March 12, 2012

11 Big Surprises Inside Vaccines

Like a box of children’s cereal, vaccines, which also target children, have surprises inside.  Unfortunately, these surprises are not fun like the ones in the cereal boxes.

In his book, Dr. Mary’s Monkey, author Edward Haslam documents connections between the vaccine and biological weapons industries.  In 1955, Dr. Jonas Salk developed a polio vaccine, which at the time, was the most anticipated publicized event in the history of medicine.  However, Dr. Bernice Eddy tested the vaccine on eighteen monkeys and they all became paralyzed.  Eddy tried to warn everyone and stop distribution of the vaccines, but other prominent doctors like Dr. Alton Ochsner assured the public that the vaccine was safe. The vaccine was released to the public, and within days children were killed or crippled from polio in the vaccine.  The public was outraged.

Haslam notes that in 1955, Dr. Bernice Eddy and Dr. Sarah Stewart “discovered the polyoma virus, which produced several types of cancer in a variety of small animals.  Polyoma proved that some cancers were indeed caused by viruses.” Dr. Eddy would later discover that the second-generation polio vaccine, developed by Albert Savin, and which the public was told was safe, was contaminated with cancer viruses (SV40).  In fact, an entire generation had been injected with cancer-causing monkey viruses because the vaccine was developed using monkey kidneys. Again, Dr. Eddy blew the whistle and tried to warn the public, but the National Institute of Health crushed her professionally.

In 1960, Doctors Benjamin Sweet and Maurice Hilleman, the Merck scientists who named the virus SV40, published their findings:

Viruses are commonly carried by monkeys and may appear as contaminants in cell cultures of their tissues, especially the kidney . . .  The discovery of this new virus, the vacuolating agent, represents the detection for the first time of a hitherto “non-detectable” simian virus of monkey renal cultures and raises the important question of the existence of other such viruses . . . . As shown in this report, all 3 types of Sabin’s live poliovirus vaccine, now fed to millions of persons of all ages, were contaminated with vacuolating virus.

An interview featuring Dr. Hilleman discussing vaccines tainted with cancer viruses can be seen online. Pages 211-218 of Dr. Mary’s Monkey demonstrate that the rates of skin, lymphoma, prostate, and breast cancer skyrocketed in the forty years after the tainted polio vaccines were given to the public.  The SV40 Cancer Foundation provides additional research and information.

Surprise of Live Polio in Vaccines

Even the mainstream media reports that some cases of polio are “caused by the vaccine used to fight it.”  In July of 2009, “the World Health Organization issued a warning that this vaccine-spread virus might extend beyond Africa. So far, 124 Nigerian children have been paralyzed this year — about twice those afflicted in 2008.” In fact, it has been reported that polio vaccines are now the leading cause of polio paralyses.

Surprise of Deadly Live H5N1 Avian Flu Virus in Vaccines

During March of 2009, numerous sources including Times of India reported that vaccines contaminated with deadly live H5N1 avian flu virus were distributed to 18 countries in December, 2008 by a lab at an Austrian branch of Baxter. It was only by providence that the batch was first tested on ferrets in the Czech Republic, before being shipped out for injection into humans. The ferrets all died and the shocking discovery was made. Czech newspapers immediately questioned whether the events were part of a conspiracy to deliberately provoke a pandemic, following up on accusations already made by health officials in other countries. Baxter claimed that pure H5N1 batches were sent by accident.

However, since the probability of mixing a live virus biological weapon with vaccine material by accident is virtually impossible, this leaves no other explanation than that the contamination was a deliberate attempt to weaponize the H5N1 virus to its most potent extreme, and distribute it via conventional flu vaccines to the population who would then infect others to a devastating degree as the disease went airborne.

The fact that Baxter mixed the deadly H5N1 virus with a mix of H3N2 seasonal flu viruses is the smoking gun. The H5N1 virus on its own has killed hundreds of people, but it is less airborne and more restricted in the ease with which it can spread. However, when combined with seasonal flu viruses (which as everyone knows are super-airborne and easily spread) the effect is a potent, super-airborne, super-deadly biological weapon.

Of course, it was later proven that the swine flu pandemic was a hoax; a false flag to terrify the public into accepting dictates from unelected World Health Organization officials with ties to big pharma. The event was likely a test-run for global forced vaccinations under the guise of civil emergency (pandemic), that would actually result in depopulation, injuries and increased profits for big pharma.

Surprise of Death and Injuries from Vaccines

The evidence linking Gardasil to adverse reactions and death was available long before legislators began pushing it on pre-pubescent children.  Forty-nine girls have died while thousands of others have been hospitalized after receiving the Gardasil vaccine. Nonetheless, California passes a law that allows for children as young as 12 to receive the HPV shot without any parental consent, thus completely removing parents from the important decision of whether or not to receive the death-linked HPV shot. Merck, the manufacturer of Gardasil, is raking in the profits as young boys are now targeted as well as girls.

Likewise, GlaxoSmithKline Argentina Laboratories Company was fined 400,000 pesos by Judge Marcelo Aguinsky following a report issued by the National Administration of Medicine, Food and Technology (ANMAT in Spanish) for irregularities during lab vaccine trials conducted between 2007 and 2008 that allegedly killed 14 babies.

Surprise of Thimerosal (Mercury) in Vaccines

The toxic effects of the mercury, also known in vaccines as Thimerosal, have been confirmed by many researchers. The vast majority of the flu shots administered in the US still contain Thimerosal, as they come from multi-dose vials that require a preservative in order to prevent contamination. Mercury in any form is poisonous.

Surprise of Autism Linked to Vaccines

Autism rates have exploded over the last twenty years. Cases of autism in the U.S. have now increased by over 2,700 per cent since 1991, which is when vaccines for children doubled, and the number of immunizations is only increasing. Just one in 2,500 children were diagnosed with autism before 1991, whereas one in 91 children now have the disease, up from one in 150 just six years ago.

Government agencies are engaged in a massive cover-up to prevent the public from discovering the link between autism and vaccines.  The medical establishment is also playing dumb as it profits by recommending more and more vaccines. To be clear, abundant evidence demonstrates that vaccines are dangerous and coincide with higher rates of autism.

Surprise of Aluminum in Vaccines

The Thimerosal in many vaccines was replaced with Aluminum, another substance that attacks the brain. The aluminum hydroxide used in many vaccines, including hepatitis A and B (B is given to newborns at birth unless informed parents refuse it), and the Pentacel cocktail for diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, and meningitis, has been clearly linked to symptoms associated with Parkinson’s, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), and Alzheimer’s.

Surprise of Squalene in Vaccines

Squalene is also added to many vaccines, which is proven to generate concentrated, unremitting immune responses over long periods of time.  A 2000 study published in the American Journal of Pathology demonstrated a single injection of the adjuvant squalene into rats triggered “chronic, immune-mediated joint-specific inflammation,” also known as rheumatoid arthritis.

Gulf War veterans with Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) received anthrax vaccines which contained squalene. MF59 (the Novartis squalene adjuvant) was an unapproved ingredient in experimental anthrax vaccines and has since been linked to the devastating autoimmune diseases suffered by countless Gulf War vets.

Surprise! Pharmaceutical Companies Are Not Liable For Vaccine Injuries

In a 6-2 decision, the Supreme Court voted to protect pharmaceutical companies from liability when their vaccines cause debilitating injuries and death. The high court majority considers vaccines “unavoidably unsafe” and was worried about drug makers being sued and obligated to compensate their vaccine victims. Instead of opting to protect children, the Supreme Court chose to safeguard the financial interests of the multibillion dollar vaccine industry.

In a fantastic act of fascism, Congress revoked Americans’ rights to due process by passing the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. The Vaccine Act became effective October 1, 1988. It establishes the Vaccine Program as a no-fault compensation scheme whereby persons allegedly suffering injury or death as a result of the administration of certain compulsory childhood vaccines may petition the federal government for monetary damages…  All vaccine claims are managed and adjudicated by the congressionally-created Office of Special Masters, which currently consists of one chief special master and seven associate special masters who are appointed to serve for four year terms.

Surprise! Vaccines are used for Depopulation and Eugenics

Vaccines are part of the global elite’s depopulation agenda.  In Third World countries like Thailand, women describe how they miscarried shortly after taking vaccines when they were eight months pregnant. The vaccines were provided by universities and the United Nations.

When Bill Gates, founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which provides vaccines to Third World countries, promoted decreasing the population of the world and favoring the ‘death panel’, it shocked many people. “The world today has 6.8 billion people”, said Gates, “that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” In January 2010, at the Davos World Economic Forum, Gates announced his foundation would give $10 billion over the next decade to develop and deliver new vaccines to children in the developing world.

The primary focus of the Gates Foundation is vaccinations, especially in Africa and other underdeveloped countries. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a founding member of the GAVI Alliance (Global Alliance for Vaccinations and Immunization) in partnership with the World Bank, WHO and the vaccine industry. The goal of GAVI is to vaccinate every newborn child in the developing world.”>

How could that be a bad thing? Sounds like noble philanthropic work, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, the vaccine industry has been repeatedly caught forcing dangerous (unsafe, untested or proven harmful) vaccines onto Third World populations – vaccines they cannot get rid of in the West. Some organizations have suggested that the true aim of the vaccinations is to make people sicker and even more susceptible to disease and premature death.

The World Health Organization, one of GAVI’s partners, teamed up with the World Bank and UN Population Fund in the 1970s under the “Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation”. The Task Force, …acts as a global coordinating body for anti-fertility vaccine R&D in the various working groups and supports research on different approaches, such as anti-sperm and anti-ovum vaccines and vaccines designed to neutralize the biological functions of hCG. The Task Force has succeeded in developing a prototype of an anti-hCG-vaccine.

It should be noted that Bill Gates’ father served on the board of Planned Parenthood.  The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provided the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) $8.8 million in 2000.  Likewise, Planed Parenthood receives financial support from the federal government, many millionaires, corporations and foundations, including the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie foundations and billionaire investor Warren Buffet’s foundation. Planned Parenthood performed 332,278 abortions in the United States in 2009. That is about as many as the 333,012 people who lived in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, in 2009, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

The Rockefeller Foundation and World Health Organization have been working together on “anti-fertility” vaccines since the 1960s.  These noble philanthropic elites wouldn’t slip something into your child’s vaccine, would they?

Obama’s top science and technology advisor John P. Holdren co-authored a 1977 book in which he advocated the formation of a “planetary regime” that would use a “global police force” to enforce totalitarian measures of population control, including forced abortions and mass sterilization programs.

In China, the model state of the global elite complete with one-child policy, 13 million fetuses are forcibly aborted each year, often by forced lethal injection.  According to China’s own official statistics, at least 35,000 abortions are performed every day, or about one every 2.5 seconds.  Fortunately, despite media/information censorship, even the Chinese reject vaccines.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The 13 Most Evil U.S. Government Experiments on Humans

By Robert Wabash

The U.S. Government has been caught conducting an insane amount of vile, inhumane and grisly experiments on humans without their consent and often without their knowledge. Here are the 13 most evil, for lack of a better word, cases of human-testing as conducted by the United States of America.

1. Mind Control, Child Abuse – Project MKULTRA, Subproject 68
The CIA-ran Project MKULTRA paid Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron for Subproject 68, which would be experiments involving mind-altering substances. The entire goal of the project was to probe examination into methods of influencing and controlling the mind and being able to extract information from resisting minds. So in order to accomplish this, the doctor took patients admitted to his Allen Memorial Institute in Montreal and conducted “therapy” on them. The patients were mostly taken in for issues like bi-polar depression and anxiety disorders. The treatment they received was life-altering and scarring. In the period he was paid for (1957 – 1964) Cameron administered electroconvulsive therapy at 30-40 times the normal power. He would put patients into a drug-induced coma for months on-end and playback tapes of simple statements or repetitive noises over and over again. 
The victims forgot how to talk, forgot about their parents, and suffered serious amnesia. And all of this was performed on Canadian citizens because the CIA wasn’t willing to risk such operations on Americans. To ensure that the project remained funded, Cameron, in one scheme, took his experiments upon admitted children and in one situation had the child engage in sex with high-ranking government officials and film it. He and other MKULTRA officers would blackmail the officials to ensure more funding.

2. Mustard Gas Tested on Soldiers via Involuntary Gas Chambers

As bio-weapon research intensified in the 1940′s, officials also began testing its repercussions and defenses on the Army itself. In order to test the effectiveness of various bio-weapons, officials were known to have sprayed mustard gas and other skin-burning, lung-ruining chemicals, like Lewisite, on soldiers without their consent or knowledge of the experiment happening to them. They also tested the effectiveness of gas masks and protective clothing by locking soldiers in a gas chamber and exposing them to mustard gas and lewisite, evoking the gas chamber image of Nazi Germany.
EFFECTS OF LEWISITE: Lewisite is a gas that can easily penetrate clothing and even rubber. Upon contact with the skin, the gas immediately causes extreme pain, itching, swelling and even a rash. Large, fluid-filled blisters develop 12 hours after exposure in the form of intensely severe chemical burns. And that’s just skin contact with the gas. 
Inhaling of the gas causes a burning pain in the lungs, sneezing, vomiting, and pulmonary edema.
EFFECTS OF MUSTARD GAS: Symptomless until about 24 hours after exposure, Mustard Gas has mutagenic and carcinogenic properties that have killed many subjected to it. Its primary effects include severe burns that turn into yellow-fluid-leaking boils over a period of time. Although treatment is available, Mustard Gas burns heal very, very slowly and are extremely painful. The burns the gas leaves on the skin are sometimes irreparable.
It was also rumored that along with the soldiers, patients at VA hospitals were being used as guinea pigs for medical experiments involving bio-warfare chemicals, but that all experiments were changed to be known as “observations” to ward off suspicions.

3. U.S. Grants Immunity to Involuntary-Surgery Monster

As head of Japan’s infamous Unit 731 (a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II), Dr. Shiro Ishii (head of medicine) carried out violent human experimentation of tens of thousands during the Second Sino-Japanese War and World War II. Ishii was responsible for testing vivisection techniques without any anesthesia on human prisoners. For the uninitiated, vivisection is the act of conducting experimental surgery on living creatures (with central nervousness) and examining their insides for scientific purposes.

So basically, he was giving unnecessary surgery to prisoners by opening them all the way up, keeping them alive and not using any anesthetic. During these experiments he would also force pregnant women to abort their babies. He also subjected his prisoners to change in physiological conditions and inducing strokes, heart attacks, frost bite, and hypothermia. Ishii considered these subjects “logs”.
Following imminent defeat in 1945, Japan blew up the Unity 731 complex and Ishii ordered all the remaining “logs” to be executed. Not soon after, Ishii was arrested. And then, the respected General Douglas McArthur allegedly struck a deal with Ishii. If the U.S. granted Ishii immunity from his crimes, he must exchange all germ warfare data based on human experimentation.

So Ishii got away with his crimes because the US became interested in the results of his research. While not directly responsible for these acts, the actions of the American government certainly illustrated it was more than willing to condone human torture for advancements in biological warfare that could kill even more people.
Not a surprise, considering its past resume. Ishii remained alive until 1959, performing research into bio-weaponry and probably thinking up more plans to annihilate people in different ways to his dying day.

4. Deadly Chemical Sprays on American Cities

Showing once again that the U.S. always tends to test out worse-case scenarios by getting to them first and with the advent of biochemical warfare in the mid 20th century, the Army, CIA and government conducted a series of warfare simulations upon American cities to see how the effects would play out in the event of an actual chemical attack. They conducted the following air strikes/naval attacks:- The CIA released a whooping cough virus on Tampa Bay, using boats, and so caused a whooping cough epidemic. 12 people died. The Navy sprayed San Francisco with bacterial pathogens and in consequence many citizens developed pneumonia. 

Upon Savannah, GA and Avon Park, FL, the army released millions of mosquitoes in the hopes they would spread yellow fever and dengue fever. The swarm left Americans struggling with fevers, typhoid, respiratory problems, and the worst, stillborn children.

Even worse was that after the swarm, the Army came in disguised as public health workers. Their secret intention the entire time they were giving aid to the victims was to study and chart-out the long term effects of all the illnesses they were suffering.

5. US Infects Guatemalans With STDs

In the 1940′s, with penicillin as an established cure for syphilis, the US decided to test out its effectiveness on Guatemalan citizens.
To do this, they used infected prostitutes and let them loose on unknowing prison inmates, insane asylum patients and soldiers. When spreading the disease through prostitution didn’t work as well as they’d hoped, they instead went for the inoculation route.
Researchers introduced syphilis bacteria onto men. In some cases, they even inoculated the men through spinal punctures.

After all the infections were transmitted, researchers then gave most of the subjects treatment, although as many as 1/3 of them could have been left untreated, even if that was the intention of the study in the first place. Since many subjects never got penicillin, its possible and likely that someone spread it to future generations.

6. Secret Human Experiments to Test the Effects of The Atomic Bomb

While testing out and trying to harness the power of the atomic bomb, U.S. scientists also secretly tested the bomb’s effects on humans.

During the Manhattan Project, which gave way to the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, U.S. scientists resorted to secret human testing via plutonium injection on 18 unsuspecting, non-consenting patients.

This included injecting soldiers with micrograms of plutonium for Project Oak Ridge along with later injecting three patients at a Chicago hospital. Imagine you’re an admitted patient, helpless in a hospital bed, assuming that nothing is wrong when the government suddenly appears and puts weapons-grade plutonium in your blood.
Out of the 18 patients, who were known only by their code-names and numbers at the time, only 5 lived longer than 20 years after injection.

Along with plutonium, researchers also had fun with uranium. At a Massachusetts hospital, between 1946 and 1947, Dr. William Sweet injected 11 patients with uranium. He was funded by the Manhattan Project.

He would keep dead tissue from the body of the people he killed for scientific analysis on the effects of uranium exposure.

7. Injected Prisoners with Agent Orange

The dermatology aspect was testing out product the effects of Agent Orange on the skin. Needless to say the injecting of, or exposure to, dioxidin is beyond monstrous to voluntarily do to any human. Kligman (the experimenter), though, injected dioxidin (a main component of Agent Orange) into the prisoners to study its effects.

What did happen was that the prisoners developed an eruption of chloracne (all that stuff from high school combined with blackheads and cysts and pustules) that develop on the cheeks, behind the ears, armpits, and the groin — yes, the groin.

Kligman was rumored to have injected 468 times the amount he was authorized to. Documentation of that effect has, wisely, not been distributed.

The Army oversaw while Kligman continued to test out skin-burning chemicals to (in their words) “learn how the skin protects itself against chronic assault from toxic chemicals, the so-called hardening process” and test out many products whose effects were unknown at the time, but with the intent of figuring that out.

During these proceedings, Kligman was reported to have said, “All I saw before me were acres of skin … It was like a farmer seeing a fertile field for the first time.” Using that analogy, it’s easy to see how he could plow straight through so many human subjects without an ounce of sympathy.

8. Operation Paperclip

While the Nuremberg trials were being conducted and the ethics and rights of humanity were under investigation, the U.S. was secretly taking in Nazi scientists and giving them American identities. Under Operation Paperclip, named so because of the paperclips used to attach the scientists’ new profiles to their US personnel pages, Nazis who had worked for in the infamous human experiments (which included surgically grafting twins to each other and making then conjoined, removing nerves from people’s bodies without anesthetic, and testing explosion-effects on them) in Germany brought over their talents to work on a number of top secret projects for the US. Given then-President Truman’s anti-Nazi orders, the project was kept under wraps and the scientists received faked political biographies, allowing these monsters to live on not only American soil, but as free men. So while it was not direct experimentation, it was the U.S. taking some of the worst people in the world and giving them jobs here to do unknown, horrible experiments / research.

9. Infecting Puerto Rico With Cancer

In 1931, Dr. Cornelius Rhoads was sponsored by the Rockefeller Institute to conduct experiments in Puerto Rico. He infected Puerto Rican citizens with cancer cells, presumably to study the effects. Thirteen of them died. What’s most striking is that the accusations stem from a note he allegedly wrote: “The Porto Ricans are the dirtiest, laziest, most degenerate and thievish race of men ever to inhabit this sphere… I have done my best to further the process of extermination by killing off eight and transplanting cancer into several more… All physicians take delight in the abuse and torture of the unfortunate subjects.” A man that seems to be hell-bent on killing Puerto Rico through a cancer infestation would not seem a suitable candidate to be elected by the US to be in charge of chemical warfare projects and receive a seat on the United States Atomic Energy Commission, right? 
But that’s exactly what happened. He also became vice-president of the American Cancer Society. Any shocking documentation that would have happened during his chemical warfare period would probably have been destroyed by now.

10. Pentagon Treats Black Cancer Patients with Extreme Radiation

In the 60’s, the Department of Defense performed a series of irradiation experiments on non-consenting, poor, African-American cancer patients. They were told they would be receiving treatment, but they weren’t told it would be the “Pentagon” type of treatment: meaning to study the effects of high level radiation on the human body. To avoid litigation, forms were signed only with initials so that the patients would have no way to get back at the government. In a similar case, Dr. Eugene Saenger, funded by the Defense Atomic Support Agency, conducted the same procedure on the same type of patients. The poor, black Americans received about the same level of radiation as 7500 x-rays to their chest would, which caused intense pain, vomiting and bleeding from their nose and ears. At least 20 of the subjects died.

11. Operation Midnight Climax

Operation Midnight Climax involved safe houses in New York and San Fransisco, built for the sole purpose to study LSD effects on non-consenting individuals. But in order to lure the individuals there, the CIA made these safe houses out to be, wait for it, Brothels. Prostitutes on the CIA payroll lured “clients” back to the houses.
Instead of having sex with them, though, they dosed them with a number of substances, most famously LSD. This also involved extensive use of marijuana. The experiments were monitored behind a two-way mirror, kind of like a sick, twisted peep show.
Furthermore, it’s alleged that the officials who ran the experiments described them as…” it was fun, fun, fun.

12. Fallout Radiation on Unsuspecting Pacific Territories

After unleashing atomic bombs upon Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the United States embarked on numerous thermonuclear bomb tests in the Pacific in response to increased Soviet bomb activity. They were intended to be a secret affair. However, this secrecy would fail. Detonated in 1954 over Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands, Castle Bravo was the most powerful nuclear device the US ever set off. What they didn’t expect was for the fallout from the blast to inadvertently be blown upwind onto nearby residents of other islands. The suffering included birth defects and radiation sickness. The effects were greater felt in later years when many children whose parents were exposed to the fallout developed thyroid cancer and neoplasms. This created Project 4.1, a study to examine the effects of radiation fallout on human beings. Essentially, it was the latest in a long string of studies where humans act as guinea pigs without giving consent and a project remembered by the US as a way to gather data that would otherwise be unobtainable. The US moral standard that history best remembers is that even though the radiation fallout on the people of the Marshall Islands was an accident, it might as well have been intended. In addition, perhaps as nature’s way of adding insult to injury, a Japanese fishing boat was caught in the fallout. The fishermen all fell ill and one died, making the Japanese livid that the US was still affecting them with nuclear devices.

13. Tuskegee

The recent uncovering of the US exposing Guatemalans to syphilis brings back to mind this infamous study. In between 1932 and 1972, researchers recruited 400 black share-croppers in Tuskegee, Alabama to study the natural progression of syphilis. But the scientists never told the men they had syphilis. Instead, they went around believing that they were being treated for “bad blood” disease as researchers used them to find out the extent of syphilis symptoms and effects. In 1947, penicillin became the standard cure for syphilis. But along with withholding information about the disease, scientists also “forgot” to tell their subjects that what they were being treated for had a cure. And so the study continued for nearly 30 years more. Once it was discovered, the backlash to the study was so fierce that President Bill Clinton made formal apology, stating he was sorry that the government “orchestrated a study that was so racist”. Sadly enough, it would be horrific, but one of the more docile evil human experiments ever conducted by the U.S. Government.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

How Hollywood Spreads Disinformation About Secret Societies

(By an unknown author)

During the last years, a new trend appeared in Hollywood: secret societies being at the center of movie intrigues. Some might find this surprising since secret societies are supposed to be…well…secret. Many people in the movie industry are part of those Brotherhoods so what is the reasoning behind this? We’ll look at the myth Hollywood is trying to create by examining “National Treasure” and “Angels and Demons”.

A decade ago, movies about Freemasonry or the Illuminati were rare and far apart. There has however been a major switch during the last decade. The world wide public has witnessed major blockbuster movies featuring those Brotherhoods at the center of the story. Their esoteric symbols are abundantly displayed and some of their history is even explained. Why are those societies exposing themselves to the average movie goers, who, for the most part aren’t even aware of their existence? Isn’t secrecy an important requisite for the survival of those orders?

I believe an important change is taking place in the communication strategies of these elite societies. The advent of the digital age, where any individual can create and publish content has rendered the secrecy of such organizations impossible. Self-published websites, books, documentaries, DVDs and other medias have exposed many secrets of Masonry and other orders. Information which could only be found in rare and exclusive books is now a Google search away. 
Since the digital switch is irreversible (and completed), occult orders have adapted their strategy to this new context (they’ve probably saw this coming years ago). 

The strategy is : “If they have to know about us, we’ll tell them what to know“. Through Hollywood and best-selling books, secret societies are being introduced to the average Joe but with one BIG condition: the public is given a distorted, caricatured and romantic portrayal of secret societies. We are introducing in pop culture a mythical lore around secret societies, associating them with fascinating symbols, treasures hunts and exotic adventures. The viewers believe they are actually learning facts about Freemasonry or the Illuminati and they leave the movies with a sense of wonder, fascination and admiration. Those feelings are however based on totally erroneous facts, dubious explanations and fairy tale story telling. After viewing those movies, the viewer has a positive predisposition concerning those orders and will be less inclined to believe and research conspiracies related to them.

National Treasure

This blockbuster adventure movie was produced by Walt Disney Pictures, a brand that guarantees family-friendly entertainment. So parents can bring their kids and enjoy a nice, wholesome, Masonic disinformation session. The movie revolves around a treasure hunt based on clues left by prominent Masons on the Declaration of Independence.

The movie starts with the main character (played by Nicholas Cage) as a little boy, searching for information about his family history. The boy’s grandfather comes in and gives the boy (and the audience) a totally false and distorted story of the Knights Templars and the Freemasons.

Here are some of the claims:

The Knights Templars found under the Temple of Solomon a great treasure which was lost for a thousand years. They’ve brought the treasure back to Europe.

It has been said that the Templars possessed extremely rare religious artifacts. Were they found under the Temple of Solomon? The legend says yes. The movie however describes the treasure as gold coins, statues and such.

The Templars decided to smuggle the treasure into the United States and changed their name to the Freemasons.
This is where everything falls apart. The Templars did not change their name to the Freemasons at the dawn of the American civilization. The Templars have actually disappeared in 1312, which is more than 400 years before the creation of the USA.
“Seemingly untouchable for nearly two centuries, the Templars fell from grace spectacularly after the loss of the Holy Land: in 1307, all Templars in France were arrested on charges of heresy, homosexuality, denial of the cross and devil worship. The order was suppressed by the Pope in 1312, and Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master, was burnt at the stake as a heretic two years later. ”
- Sean Martin, The Knights Templar
The Freemasons are not an all-American institution, as the movie insinuates. It is a European secret society dating from the Middle-Ages, who  opened lodges in North America to expand its reach. The goal of Masonry is not to “protect a great Templar treasure”, it is an ancient order of builders who incorporated into its rites, over the years, teachings of the Templars, Rosicrucians and the Illuminati.
The Templars was an occult order who had fought during the Crusades at the side of the Church. It is during their stay in the Middle East that they’ve secured occult knowledge from eastern mystics and brought it back to Europe. They’ve became great bankers and Cathedral builders (in which they’ve included occult symbolism). They were known to practice the Kaballah, many forms of magic and the black arts. Their conflicting interests with the Catholic church ultimately lead to their persecution and demise.

The Freemasons can be considered spiritual descendants of the Knights Templar due to their study of esoteric sciences, their building of monuments and their philosophy based on gnostic principles. The link between the Templars and the Masons is being cultivated due to the mythical lore surrounding the Knights. In other words, it’s good publicity.
” In order to insure great popularity for the [Scottish] rite, he [Isaac Long] linked it directly with the Templars by a mysterious legend.”
-Domenico Margiotta 33°, Adriano Lemmi

Esoteric Meaning of the Movie

Like all true mythological stories, National Treasure has an esoteric meaning for the ignorant masses and an esoteric meaning for the initiates. If the esoteric story is meant to mislead the public, the esoteric meaning  carries however great truths about occult brotherhoods. Here’s the hidden meaning.

The “ancient treasure” that was jealously guarded by ancient civilizations is in fact occult knowledge, the Mysteries, that could break the shackles of materialism and help their possessor access divinity (Kaballah, alchemy, gnosticism and occult sciences). This treasure disappeared for a thousand years from the Western world, which corresponds to the early Christian and Muslim period. The movie says that it was eventually discovered by the Knights Templar in Jerusalem, under the Temple Solomon (the Freemasons’ sacred building) and brought it back to Europe. This knowledge then migrated to the USA through secret societies.

The hero of the movie is on a quest for illumination and the riddles he must solve represent the initiations one must pass before accessing higher knowledge. This all-important treasure is symbolically buried under Trinity Church in New York, in a hidden cave which is dark and cavernous. Ben Gates has to light up the torch of illumination to find his way to the hidden knowledge. The torch represents the Luciferian doctrine of American Freemasonry instituted by Albert Pike. In the highest degrees, Lucifer is taught to be the “light bearer”, the god of Good who shows to path to illumination.
 “Its [high degrees of Scottish Rite] religion is Manichean neo-gnosticism, teaching that the divinity is dual and that Lucifer is the equal of Adonay, with Lucifer, the God of Light and Goodness struggling for humanity against Adonay the God of Darkness and Evil.”
-Domenico Margiotta 33°, Adriano Lemmi
“When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onwards and upwards he must prove his ability to properly apply (this) energy.”
- Manly P. Hall, Lost Keys of Freemasonry
Back to the story. Ben Gates, with his Luciferian torch finds the path to illumination and obtains access to an infinite source of knowledge. During the scene where the heroes look around the treasure room, they find very significant items: Scrolls from the Library of Alexandria, Egyptian statues and other artifacts from the Antiquity. All of those objects refer to the occult knowledge that has been communicated through the ages through secret societies.
At the end of the movie, Ben Gates speaks with the FBI inspector and begs him not to send him to jail. Flashing his Masonic ring, the representative of the law says “someone has to go to jail” for the stealing of the Declaration of Independance. 

The next scene shows the ”bad guys” (the non-Masons) getting arrested, even if they did not actually steal the Declaration. We see here a blatant example of the Masonic oath superceeding the law. The FBI agent willfully ignored the law to help his Masonic brother.

Angels and Demons

This movie is based on Dan Brown’s novel which focuses on the Illuminati and its war against the Catholic Church. The hero runs across Rome to save the Vatican from a mega-bomb which was set up by Illuminati agents to blow at midnight. The first page of Dan Brown’s book claims that “the Illuminati was factual”, inciting the readers to take everything written in the book as facts. They should not do so.

In the beginning of the movie, Robert Langdon (played by Tom Hanks) ventures himself into explaining the Illuminati. Here are some of his claims:

“The Illuminati was founded by Galileo Galilei in response to the Church’s refusal of his heliocentric theory”

The Illuminati was officially founded in Upper Bavaria, by Adam Weishaupt on May 1st 1776.  This is more than 130 years after Galilei’s death and not even in the same country. The movie’s association of Galilei with the Illuminati seems like an attempt to associate this brilliant scientist’s name to the conspiratorial secret society.
“Of all the means I know to lead men, the most effectual is a concealed mystery.” – Adam Weishaupt

“It was an association of scientists, physicists and astronomers concerned with the Church’s inaccurate teachings and they were dedicated to scientific truth. The Vatican didn’t like that, so the Church started to “hunt them down and kill them”.

The Illuminati was not a group of scientists dedicated to the advancement of common knowledge. The movie falsely portrays the secret society as the necessary rational counterpart to Christianity’s requirement of blind faith and its hindering of scientific advancement. In this optic, the average viewer cannot disagree with Tom Hank’s description of the Illuminati and sees the order in a favorable way. The real aim of the Illuminati was the overthrow of traditional institutions in favor of a new world order.
The objects of this powerful organization of theBavarian Illuminati, were :
1. The destruction of religion and of all Monarchical Governments ;
2. The destruction of nations as such in favor of universal internationalism ;
3. The discouragement of patriotic and loyal effort branded as narrow minded prejudice, incompatible with the
tenets of goodwill to all men and the cry of ” Universal Brotherhood ” ;

4. The abolition of family ties and of marriage by means of systematic corruption ;
5. The suppression of the rights of inheritance and property.
-Lady Queenborough, Occult Theocracy
The Bavarian Illuminati has dissolved some years after its creation. Researchers however say that the Illuminati has successfully integrated itself within modern Freemasonry. Illuminati thinkers believed that worldwide reach of Masonic lodges represented the ideal platform for the propagation of their ideals.

To sum up, the Illuminati was not an association of bright scientists dedicated to the advancement of scientific truths. It was secret society who, through infiltration and subversion, aimed to overthrow traditional institutions in order serve the best interests a secret elite. It is true that the Illuminati was thoroughly anti-Church but this war wasn’t the main reason of its existence. Nowadays, the Illuminati is considered to be a hidden order which recruits within Freemasonry potent candidates for the continuation of its agenda.

Esoteric Meaning of the Movie

Dan Brown’s work has mostly been focused on secret societies. There is an important reason why he has the full support of Hollywood: his works serve the agenda of disinformation.

In the movie, the Illuminati threatens the Vatican to “destroy the Church by light”. ”Light” refers to the explosion of the anti-matter bomb but it also refers to information – propaganda and indoctrination. The only true way to make the masses turn their back on Christianity is not by destroying the Vatican, but by changing the way people see their religious elite. In that optic, the movie itself is the bomb against the Vatican. Even if the Church, with the help of Robert Langdon, apparently prevails at the end of the movie, the viewer of Angels of Demons has spent two hours seeing all the symbols, rituals and figures of Catholicism being desecrated. Some examples: Robert Langdon destroys the archives of the Vatican, candidates for papacy are kept in cages like animals, one candidate is crucified and burned inside a church, the tomb of the defunct Pope is opened to reveal his grossly deformed face, etc.

All those scenes have a strong symbolic meaning which deeply affect the conscientiousness of the viewers. The holy and divine aura surrounding the Vatican is replaced by gruesome deaths, destruction and corruption. The whole movie depicts the institution as an inadequate, stubborn and reactionary relic of the past. To top it off, the viewers learn that the whole “Illuminati” thing was a big setup, masterminded by the son of the Pope (yes apparently, the Pope had a son) to take his position. So the movie tells the viewer that the Illuminati doesn’t even exist and that the Church is so corrupted that its members are ready to commit the most horrendous sins to obtain power.

The viewers ultimately leave the movie with the exact ideas the elite wants them to keep: the Illuminati is a fairy tale and, when it actually existed, it was an association of great thinkers dedicated to the advancement of science; the Catholic Church is not holy, it is a deeply flawed and human institution, which is bound to disappear due to its aversion to science. Through this movie, the real Illuminati denies its own existence while still carrying out its plan to destroy organized religions by constant indoctrination. The age old struggle for power between the Catholic Church and occult orders is taking place on our movie screens and we can clearly see who is winning.

To Conclude

The trend of seeing secret societies in books and movies is not about to end. Dan Brown’s next novel, “The Lost Symbol” also focuses around Freemasonry and its ties with Washington. These works are now appearing as a result of the democratisation of information, which allows regular people to access information which was previously inaccessible. These movies serve the same purpose as occult symbols: to reveal and to conceal. They reveal to the initiates while they mislead the profane. Hollywood movies have been used to promote numerous agendas such as the Vietnam war, the fear of Communism, the fear of Islam, the promotion of American values, etc. The movies analyzed above simply promote a new agenda, which is disinformation about secret societies.